Jeep Wrangler Rubicon
Car Details
- Dealer Comments
- The Best Value Cars Guaranteed.
With over 150 vehicles to choose from we will ensure we have the right vehicle to suit your needs.
Whether you are local or remote from the dealership rest assured we will make buying your new vehicle as smooth as possible.
We can have you approved over the phone without needing to visit the dealership.
We work with a large range of lenders and our expert team can tailor finance packages to suit your needs.
HAVE SOMETHING TO TRADE ? We accept trades of all makes and models.
Motorbikes, caravans and boats included.
We can even appraise your vehicle if you are remote to the dealership via our dedicated app.
Just ask us how ! - Car
- Jeep Wrangler Rubicon
- Series
- JL
- Price
- $79,990*2 Drive Away
- Colour
- Bright White
- Body Type
- Hardtop
- Kilometres
- 55 km
- 1C4PJXJNXRW183948
- Stock Number
- CH59286346
- Cylinders
- 4
- Drive Type
- 4X4 Dual Range
- Fuel Type Description
- Petrol
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* The calculations performed and the results provided by the calculators on this website are estimates only and should be treated as a guide. The calculations and information provided using the calculators should not be your only source of information and advice when making financial decisions. For a quote or to apply for finance please contact us.